Posts Tagged ‘zygmunt bauman’

Yesterday, the Italian newspaper il manifesto published two very different opinions on the Venice Biennale.

The first is an enthusiastic article by Lucia Tozzi, pointing out the freshness of the young architects involved in the exhibition

… the architects selected by Emiliano Gandolfi [the curator of the Italian Pavilion exhibition] question security policies, land property, comunication systems, the established cycles of building industry, public space and energy resources management.

On the other side, the editorial by Maurizio Giufré shows a completely different mood. What does it mean to be ‘experimental’ nowadays, when as “Zygmunt Bauman pointed out, there can be no innovation, neither eresy, for there is no orthodoxy”?

Computer graphics is meant to represent an architecture which can resist consumption culture. On the contrary, architects are not aware that they are participating to it, and reproducing it at any time

Can architecture go beyond the ‘society of the spectacle’?